Monday, May 23, 2022

Living a Life of Proactive Evolution

One of the hardest things to articulate to another human being is the depth in which evolution occurs in a person. I really believe the reason this is so difficult to articulate is because we are so pre-wired to communicate in a way that impresses the person we are talking to...

You see, real life evolution is deeply personal.

And what maybe a huge life shift to you may seem boring or mundane to the person hearing about it. 

So that really got me to thinking: do we choose to evolve because of real personal life satisfaction or is our real motive how impressed we think the people who learn about or know about the evolution will respond?? 

There's a difference. 

And we must challenge ourselves to know the difference because that motivation in our intentions is critical. 

I have been repeatedly challenged with asking myself the motivation behind my personal aspirations to evolve because like everyone, there are so many triggers, information and dialogue we're exposed to that subconsciously steers our minds towards outcomes. 

There's nothing wrong with being inspired but if the inspiration to evolve comes based on envy or jealously (of another person's giftings, skills, access or any other perceived advantage) , the real outcome of an evolution will never be achieved. 

So in that way, we all have to be proactive in seeking our personal evolutions so that it's not inspired by defaults of other people's lives. And therein will give you the deeply important drive to continue when it gets tough because every evolution is tough. It requires something more deep in you than what you've ever been required to have to do, think and behave. It's mental focus can't be over emphasized. 

So then why would someone choose to evolve, proactively? 

Because the only other choice is to choose to stay the same, in the safe harbour of life while also feeling like you are not living a life on purpose, with purpose, by your own design. 

In other words, you will never know what it means to live a life of fulfillment. 

And that, is worth it all. 

Be proactive. 

Live your life. 
