Watch the short video snippet here.
What was even more profound about the video was Oprah's comment. Oprah said, "I get it because it came from such a clear (authentically pure) space."
The greatest joy you can experience is 1. when you create something from a pure space that 2. provides joy to others.
So how do you create something from an authentic place?
Here are some tips based on my experience in building Curva-Lish:
Tip #1: It has to come from your own experience. Anything else will not reach people. Duplicated songs, poems, work, leadership style, kindness, etc. that is not based on your own experience will not have the full impact of blessing others.
Tip #2: It has to be something that you believe can uniquely reach people. Whether that is a new product, service or creative project, think ahead of time how this will allow people greater joy, peace, meet a need, solve a problem or provide more diverse information and inspiration.
Tip #3: You have to believe in it and that you are the best person to communicate and meet this need or inspire people. Believe that because the idea originated with you, you are the best person to carry out the task to bring the idea or project to fruition. You, then, have to be your greatest cheerleader in making it happen through the trials, ups, downs and everything in between!

Tip #5: Share it with as many people that will listen, read or participate in your creative idea/project. Don't create limits, don't create roadblocks, don't limit your message. Facebook, tweet, blog, have house parties, offer free whatever you have to do to get the message out that your creative idea/project can serve a missing need, enrich people's lives and/or bless people who need to know that they are not alone! As Oprah said in the video, "It's about being used for something greater than yourself."
My journey with Curva-Lish came out of the same authentically pure space as Pharrell's "Happy" song. Curva-Lish to me stands for a resource that enriches the lives of women through style, grace and purpose in their pursuit of living the most inspired and authentic life they can...I believe in it for my own life and our posts have been autobiographical accounts of areas where I was searching for an answer, inspired by an idea or wanted to offer heartfelt inspiration for other women who could relate to where I was as well.
Take these tips into account and hoping that you are inspired to go forth in taking action on that idea or project that will cause you to cry with deep joy months/years later because it blessed many outside of yourself.
Curva-Lish Team