One day out of the blue I received a call from a friend panicked that she was asked to be on live tv and she couldn’t do it.
She said she was calling because she thought I’d be perfect as their Lifestyle Expert.
Before the voices in my head could argue I immediately said “Yes!”
I then ask her when is it and she replied, “In two days”....
I’ve never desired to be a celebrity but I do desire to convince as many people as I can that you can curate your life with a cultured style that is authentic and deeply satisfying. Exposure helps me do that soooo...
I still committed to my Yes and immediately went into prep mode.
I went over and over the speaking points, the goals and objectives of the national campaign, practiced my best angles in the mirror and my smile and on and on!
The funniest part is that I wasn’t so freaked out by the LIVE tv. I was the most freaked out when I first saw my models and finally understood what a size 0 looked like and that I’d be standing right next to them on LIVE tv!
Thank God I practiced those angles!
If you need help saying “Yes!” more in your life, I recommend Shonda Rhimes' book. It’s brilliant and will help you make the connection to stop overthinking things and say “Yes!” to life!
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