Your Talents, Your Gifts, Your Potential, Your Adventure
TALENTS (work/earn income doing what you are talented at): to experience satisfaction in your work life, you have to make it a life priority to find work and/or earn income doing what you believe you are particularly talented at doing. This single factor in life will make you feel more satisfied and rewarded.
Doing work that rewards the usage of your talents is something that gives your life purpose and adds value to society. Hard work and being apart of team is also something that gives life a reason to show up. This doesn't imply that you won't have learning curves but life satisfaction comes using your talents in your work. (talents): a special, natural ability or aptitude; a capacity for achievement or success
Helpful resources:
- Find Your Strengths
- Find Your Own North Star
- If you are having a bad day and feeling doubtful about your talents, click the 19-second video. (gift): something given voluntarily without payment in return
POTENTIAL (educate yourself where you need to grow your potential): once we graduate from high school, college or other type of educational institution, we get to a point where that genuine thirst for knowledge ends and it becomes a matter of education in the form of what it takes to keep our jobs or other type of learning that is forced. While this is important, what we are referring to is what type of educational learning will help you grow your potential. Yes, that can be in the form of taking classes at a college to get an additional degree but what about education to help you return to your love of cooking? Or what about developing your potential of inspiring others and thus going to speaking seminars to develop your craft? These types of education in growing what is your potential are just as important as classes and ongoing training for your job. (potential): possible as opposed to actual; capable of being or becoming
Helpful resources:
- Unleash Your Potential
- See this online Oprah article: What's Your Potential? How to Know It and Grow It
- Developing your potential means you have to learn to say NO

Helpful resources:
- Find Your Happiness and Journal It
- Go on a Women's Adventure
- Take a Last Minute Travel/Attraction Adventure
And all throughout your life, hit REPEAT
Here's to you and having a Curva-Lish life of amazing satisfaction!
Cura-Lish Team