Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Minute New Year's Eve Recipes (The Salonniere)

One of my obsessions is The Salonniere created by Texas native Carla McDonald. Today they shared some favorite New Year's Eve recipes just in time for your last minute trip to the grocery store.

Check out The Salonniere for all the two favorites are below:

Truffle Popcorn This fancy popcorn from Outstanding Chef winner Patrick O'Connell is so delicious you'll want to make enough to last beyond the end credits. O'Connell's secret is adding a pinch of sugar to bring out the rich truffle flavor.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup popcorn kernels, popped 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted 2 tablespoons good quality truffle oil 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons finely minced fresh flat-leaf parsley Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper Pinch of sugar 1 small fresh white or black truffle (optional)
Yield: 6 to 8 servings
Method:Place the popcorn in a large bowl; add the butter and truffle oil and toss to coat. Add the cheese, parsley, and sugar and season with salt and pepper; toss to combine. Grate truffle over popcorn just before serving, if desired.

A simple potato chip dressed in ruby red tuna tartare.

Servings: Serves 10
  • 1/2 pound sushi-grade tuna , cut into 1/4" dice
  • 1 tablespoon snipped chives , plus more for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest , plus more for garnish
  • 2 large bags premium-quality potato chips
In a nonreactive bowl, combine tuna, 1 tablespoon chives, sesame oil, soy sauce, salt and 1/2 teaspoon zest. Cover and marinate 1 hour in refrigerator.

To serve, spoon 1 teaspoon tuna mixture onto each chip. Garnish with remaining chives and zest.

Happy New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Steve Harvey, Miss Universe and a Man's Test of Character

I woke up the morning after the Miss Universe pageant with several notes, messages and tagged Facebook posts.

It took me several minutes to get oriented as to what was going on...I had no idea what had occurred the night before.

The main reason for the messages was relating to the fact that people know that I consider Steve Harvey a living, breathing hero.

Two weeks before the Miss Universe pageant, I made the following post on Instagram:

This man right here (@iamsteveharveytv) is one of my biggest inspirations of all time. I have known of him when he was a comedian on the chitlin' circuit over 15 years ago. Seeing his success and hustle at this stage of the game is incredibly inspiring. He just announced that he is the new host of the Miss Universe pageant...keep going Steve Harvey. All the people like me who started at the bottom like you and who see your vast achievements...we SEE you!

So people were aware of my adoration of Steve Harvey.

After reading all the messages and tagged posts, I felt particularly inclined to make this Facebook post in response to the Miss Universe fallout. It created a lot of dialogue amongst my friends around the world:

My Two Cents on Steve Harvey Miss Universe Mixup: a few people have touched base with me regarding this incident since they know Steve Harvey is one of my heroes. This mixup changes nothing. What I know to be true is that if you EVER want to do anything great or anything that has the capacity to touch many lives, you have to also accept the fact that you could fail or make mistakes. It appears that the people who have the most adverse comments are the ones who have never been stretched outside their comfort zones nor done something that put them in a situation where there was intense pressure. I have...many times. It's tough. I understand and #IStandWithSteveHarvey

I was actually way more interested in seeing all the things Steve would do post-scandal than recanting the actual mistake he made because as I said above....the greatest way to truly see a person's character is not in times of smooth sailing but in times of adversity.

The last time I checked, there were over five million tweets regarding Miss Universe... The most in its entire history.

As a long time fan of Steve Harvey, there is one thing that none of them have mentioned. When you have started from nothing and had to struggle building your success through much experience, a one-time mistake (even on an international scale) can ever break you.

The struggles create something so solid that no wave of rough seas can sink it.

Mark my words...we are about to see an even greater level of the man we know as Steve Harvey.

Get Your Business 800 Number with a great new service!

Friday, December 18, 2015

#LifeHack: Create Your 2016 Theme Word

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Gretchen Rubin wrote a LinkedIn article on creating 2016 resolutions around the development of a theme word!

I have been doing this for years! It first started for me as a senior in college. I was having a hard time focusing because I was staying a little longer in school to get a Finance minor to accompany my Economics major.

I also felt the weight that I was about to be the first of my family (in our entire history) to graduate with a four year college degree.

I needed some theme to help me make that last PUSH.

I created the theme of a song that was popular at the time: "I'm Coming Up" by Puff Daddy that was based on the original performed by Diana Ross!

Creating a theme to keep me focused on a specific, big goal was so effective that I continued to do it throughout my life.

Gretchen associates creating a theme in conjunction with New Year's resolutions but don't make that the only thing you do when creating themes for your life!

They work just as effectively for team projects, major transitions, big moves, big opportunities that have you excited or fearful...themes work brilliantly in these scenarios. And don't be restricted by just a word. Your theme can be a song, a vision board theme, a book, etc. There are no limits to what you use to focus and create your theme!

My 2016 Theme
I start planning my next year and it's goals in September.... Way before the holidays and the actual calendar year starts. I do this personally and for my coaching clients.

For me, 2016 will be about this one word: Refine.

Refine: * improve (something) by making small changes, in particular make (an idea, theory, or method) more subtle and accurate * the improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes * cultured elegance in behavior or manners

I won't go into any great detail as to why this word is particularly meaningful to me on this post but if you've been reading past posts, you'll understand that as I usher in life in my 40s, I'm going through a metamorphosis. A damn good metamorphosis to be exact.

My life is getting richer, more meaningful and more whole. It's a process that has taken a lot of courage, focus, intentional actions, faith and letting go. I don't know when it happened but as I've aged and had so many deaths and losses of loved ones, I have discovered I'd rather do a few things great than a lot of things mediocre or sheerly for what millenials have coined FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)...I actually really don't fear FOMO!

I am not completely there yet but I honestly don't think you ever "arrive", per se. Life is about learning, growing, making mistakes, loving and, in my opinion...refinement.

So stay tuned as I continue to give you my best honesty, growth, evolution and brilliant experiences as I strive to live out one of the key words of this blog's mission statement... Authenticity.



Yep, Curva-Lish is growing to another level...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tips for Slaying Your Worry & Conquering Fear

I am an avid estate sale prowler and love buying great linens and vintage from the hundreds I've perused over my lifetime.

One of THE most valuable purchases I've EVER made from an estate sale is this old classic "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" I purchased for $1. This book was first published in 1948 and my reprint copy looks to be from the 1970s.

I am not necessarily a person who deals with constant worry but it definitely surfaces when I get fearful about being single, not having any parents or grandparents alive, and when I feel squeezed financially.

When I feel worry creeping up, I pick up this book and read a chapter. Afterwards, I use my gratitude knot and force myself to focus on three things (one for each knot) I'm immensely grateful for.

I might have to do this practice daily for a week until the worry and fear subsides but it always works!

What's different about this book is that it's not just information or theory. Like my writing style, it gives you applicable methods that helps you face and deal with worry and fear. 

Here are three of my favorite time tested methods from the book for dealing with worry:

Method #1: Live in "Day-Tight Compartments"
I can't tell you how many conferences I've attended where success Coaches talk about how successful people focus on the 24 hours in front of them. Every time I hear it, I think in my head...that's from Carnegie!

What is the thinking behind this method? This method forces you to "compartmentalize" (FYI, as a woman who relates everything, this is extremely hard for me to do!) your life into what actions and beliefs you can do for the next 24 hours. Not next week, not next! Just 24 hours.

Modern success Coaches have expanded on this principle to be related to time management and focusing your energies but technically, the principle is rooted in helping us deal with worry.

Method #2: Use the Magic Formula
The Magic Formula Carnegie suggests has been reiterated by several psychological publications. The Magic Formula is rooted in asking yourself these three questions:
  • Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen if I can't solve my problem?" Step: Analyze the situation fearlessly and honestly and figure out what is the worst that could happen as a result of the failure.
  • Prepare mentally to accept the worst--if necessary. Step: After you figure out what the worst that could possibly happen, reconcile yourself to accepting it if necessary. (Note: doctors have found that after people face ansituationswhat could be the worst case scenario of what was causing their worry, they relaxed and faced a sense of peace.)
  • Then calmly try to improve upon the worst--which you have already mentally agreed to accept. Step: Calmly devote your time and energy to trying to improve upon the worst which you already mentally accepted.
Y'all, when I first read this I was like "Why would I want to think of the worst???"

Remember, this is not the only-positive-thoughts-on-steroids book. It's about time tested methods to deal with worry.

The genius behind forcing yourself to conjure the worst case scenario is it has a way of grounding you. Seriously.

No matter if it's potentially impending financial ruin, job loss, health crisis, etc., this method empowers you to process what's at the root of your worry.

This is one of my favorite methods in the whole book. Why? Because of the Coaching work I do, I see too many times where people use their faith ("God will just take care of it") and positive psychology ("I don't want to be around any negativity. ") as excuses to run from dealing with some of life's biggest challenges. This deeply concerns me.

I maybe the only one that ever tells you this but I speak truth in love: there are some things in life you will HAVE to deal with. 

No one's coming to save you. You can't just mentally think positive thoughts and it all goes away.

And don't get me wrong, I am a Christian AND I'm a member of the Harvard/McLean Medical School's Professional Coaches Association that has positive psychology as one if it's foundational pillars. So I believe in using your faith and positive psychology to navigate life...just make sure you are not using it to run from your fears and hard situations. Use your faith and positive psychology as a (important) catalyst for courageously facing the situations that are causing your worry.

Method #3 Take Charge of Your Worry and Live in Health
This method had a quote at the very beginning that was eye opening...

"Those who do not know how to fight worry die young." -Dr. Alexis Carrel

I won't get into great detail because the book certainly makes a convincing case of how worry (and fear) is the root cause of a large percentage of diseases that kill millions per year...from heart disease, ulcers, diabetes and hypertension.

The famous Mayo brothers declared that more than half of the hospital beds are occupied by people with nervous troubles. Their "nervous troubles" are caused by futility, anxiety, worry, fear, defeat and despair. We destroy our minds and bodies by anxiety, frustration, hatred, resentment, rebellion and fear.

Are you as amazed by these statements as I was upon reading it?

A famous specialist in the book who had his own issues with worry created this plaque in his waiting room that I thought was brilliant:

Relaxation and Recreation
The most relaxing recreating forces are a healthy
religion, sleep, music and laughter.
Have faith in God--learn to sleep well--
Love good music--see the funny side of life--
And health and happiness will be yours.

I hope this post blesses you and please share it with those you love who maybe living with worry...practicing these methods may be the life line that creates a new normal (and truly a New Year) for them!

I believe in you, Curva-Lish

Monday, December 7, 2015

Slay Your Fear and Get Free

This post (and picture) was inspired by a client and my own experiences with making the choice to face self-imposed fears.

What I Know For Sure: Dealing/managing your fear and living a brave life is not just a one-time decision nor one season of life. 

To live bravely entails multiple decisions throughout one's lifetime (see my post from yesterday) made (bravely) over and over and over and over again. 

No amount of money, connections, support or insider information will give you a free pass from fear.

Do it anyway.

Get free. Live free. Be free. Again and again.

And keep checking Curva-Lish...there will always be something posted to empower you to live authentic-ally with purpose, with grace and in style. It's the mission I created almost four years ago and it hasn't changed since! 


Your New Normal: Adopting Successful Habits

No matter what I write or when I write it, I strive to give the readers a unique way of being empowered based on real life experiences and by connecting dots in ways that I don't personally see in media.

I'm okay if this style doesn't reach certain people because honestly, I don't have the time or bandwidth to write about things that someone can easily and quickly Google. My ultimate goal for writing is to get to real life scenarios, events and wisdom that causes you to know you are not alone, an authentic life can be messy/complex to achieve and "failing forward" is not failing...

So let me get to today's post: I wish someone would have explained this to me.

Once you set a NEW goal or resolution for your life, go through a transition, or have a major change in your life, you will experience a peek of the new-ness of that goal (I call this the Honeymoon Phase) but guess what...once the euphoria of the Honeymoon Phase wears out, you will be immediately smacked upside the head with the real world of impending failure if you don't engage new disciplines required to allow time and experience to manifest that goal.

In all my years of living, I have yet to read or hear about one person on this planet reaching a goal based on the euphoria of the Honeymoon Phase.

And let me be clear, I am not referring to goals that are easily reach-able, well within your grasp and/or only requires short term focus.

When I say goal in this instance, I'm referring to B-I-G goals:

  • I want to lead my Mompreneur Group and take it global so that more women know they can be Moms and entrepreneurs;
  • I want to be a Vice President of my company because I want to have a voice in policies that directly impact women;
  • I want to be a great Mom for my adopted children who come from broken homes;
  • I want my community leadership to unite my broken city and give a voice to the voice-less;
  • I want to volunteer 40 hours per month and Become a Board Member of that nonprofit because it's saving the lives of girls who are illegally trafficked;
  • I want to be the worship leader at my place of worship because I believe I'm gifted to touch people around the world.
  • I want to be the #1 in sales for my company so I can retire early and spend the latter part of my life be a blessing to orphanages around the world.

Why is this important enough for me to take 30 minutes to write this post hoping to empower you?

Because I didn't understand it; the lack of knowledge about this topic has caused failures in my life.

For example, when I became an entrepreneur I did what most people do during the Honeymoon Phase, I used my capital to buy fancy websites, listened to the opinions of non-entrepreneur friends, spent a ton of time on social media trying to "impress people" with my new decision (instead of using it to brand and get clients), assumed I would get massive clients because people "like" me, giving "free" sessions assuming the client would hire me/help me get access to their network, modeled my life after women entrepreneurs who had husbands/inheritances/etc.

In other words, I was putting everyone else's opinions, goals, thoughts and causes before my own!  And to compound it, I never took the time, training or secured Coaching to help me adopt new Habits for what needed to be a new normal. I continued the same Habits as when I was in corporate that made me successful.

Once the Honeymoon Phase wore off about a year and some months later, I had little to show (business wise) for the bubble I lived in during the Honeymoon Phase.

Don't get me wrong, I had successes including membership on Boards, events, trips, etc. That might seem "successful" but my business was failing fast! 

Entrepreneurship is is no respecter of race, money, or any other supposed advantage. Entrepreneurship respects hustle (and time)...period.

Estee Lauder reflecting back when she first started her company: "In business, you have to marry it. It has to be your focus or you won't last long. You eat thinking about it, you wake up thinking about. It's required for greatness."

Don't believe me? Key Stat: 9 out of 10 businesses fail within first three years and 8 out of 10 fail within first five years.

I'm using my very personal example of entrepreneurship to illustrate the point of this post: no matter your goal, you won't reach it (that's not intended to be negative) if you don't become obsessed with the achievement of that goal as your new normal and guess what fuels that obsession besides the obvious things like passion and having a "why"? 


Yes, unsexy, got to will yourself to do it Habits.

And guess who's responsible for your Habits...YOU.

This post is getting long so I'll post the tips I have for you to WIN at achieving your goals for whatever new normal you have before you tomorrow...again, I wish someone would have shared this real-ness with me.

And quick note, just in case you're thinking it, yes, I have mentors and loved ones. Three of my four mentors highly discouraged me from starting my Coaching & Strategic Advisory firm (nor offered to connect me with paying clients or contacts) no matter how much I tried to convince them that I felt " called" to do this...they are no longer mentors.

And this will relate to one of the tips I'll share tomorrow: Re-assess your advisors.

Check back tomorrow and I hope you read this with the Love in my heart in which I wrote it...I believe in you!

Signed, #CurvaLish

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Power of Self-Awareness (Taylor Swift)

As a professional Coach, I am always "preaching" to people about the importance of self-awareness and taking one of my four assessments to help them get clarity on who they true, lasting and purposeful success is possible without self-awareness!

So imagine my surprise seeing this quote by Taylor Swift in GQ magazine (I'm a Conde Nast Style Society member) on the power of self-awareness! #Boom

Swift's Quote: “I used to watch Behind the Music every day,” she says. (Her favorite episode was the one about the Bangles.) “When other kids were watching normal shows, I’d watch Behind the Music. And I would see these bands that were doing so well, and I’d wonder what went wrong. I thought about this a lot. And what I established in my brain was that a lack of self-awareness was always the downfall. That was always the catalyst for the loss of relevance and the loss of ambition and the loss of great art. So self-awareness has been such a huge part of what I try to achieve on a daily basis. It’s less about reputation management and strategy and vanity than it is about trying to desperately preserve self-awareness, since that seems to be the first thing to go out the door when people find success.” 

One of the assessments I offer is free to download on the "Resources" page. It gives you self-awareness of how your Self-Confidence is supporting (or sabotaging) your success towards your goals! Go download now!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Finding Your Entrepreneurial Worth (Lisa Messenger)

As a Collective Hub #CollectiveAmbassador, I was so excited to read this great The Daily Guru quick interview with Founder and Editor-in-Chief Lisa Messenger...her response was spot on and something I'm still learning to say no to after being a Girl Boss entrepreneur for almost four years! So inspiring!

Q: What has been the biggest block you have had to personally overcome in order to succeed in business?

A: I've had to really get my head around the value of my time and mastering the Art of Leverage. I think most of us when we start a business it's all about passion and we over service and undercharge and have a lot of free coffees or favors for people. As we evolve, we start to recognize the value of our time. Now, I really have found my true worth and it is paying off.

Bravo Lisa!!!

Collective Hub is a magazine based out of Australia and created by Lisa Messenger that is leading a movement to inspire and inform a "collection of gamechangers, rule breakers, thought leaders, and style makers challenging the status quo."

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Luxury, Aging & The Evolution of Living Well

I celebrated another brilliant birthday this month and I wanted to share with you a word that is having a deep impact on me: LUXURY.

Before your mind automatically categorizes this word in what your own experience of luxury means, let me explain.

As I age, how I define luxury is evolving from what it meant in my youth (being able to buy things and quantity vs quality) to a more refined definition involving uniqueness, especially in our times of mass produced products and services.

I don't exactly know when and at what point my tastes and viewpoint of luxury changed but I do know that it has completely changed my life!

In what way?

I say "no" to more things and invitations than I say "yes" to...being in a position to control your own time is luxury defined to me. (I used to wear myself out working 10 hour days at a demanding job, sitting on multiple nonprofit boards all while volunteering at least 10 hours per month and being completely depleted)

I live my life out of a 1/3 filled walk in closet...wearing the clothes I really love that includes about 60% vintage (including my absolute favorite vintage dress that was in the $1 bin and is extremely well made) is luxury defined to me. (I used to have enough clothes to fill two walk-in closets and a hallway closet filled with coats/jackets)

I live in an urban neighborhood whereas I can hop on a bus to get to downtown in 10 minutes and I walk to work through a scenic, gorgeous historic neighborhood....not sitting in a car for a long commute to work is luxury defined to me. (I used to commute 40 minutes each way at that 10 hour/day demanding job)

These are just a few examples that are from my personal experiences.

While I was thinking of this post, I was pleasantly surprised to see an article in the October/November 2015 issue of Luxe Interior+Design magazine that asked some of the best tastemakers their definition of luxury. Based on their responses, I now know that I am not the only one going through a metamorphosis of determining what luxury are some of the tastemaker responses I liked best:

"An overly planned space becomes mundane as does an overly planned life--spontaneity is everything." -Robert Passal

"We have reached a point where luxury is uniqueness: the painting that was a gift from an artist friend; the fabric brought back from a trip to Istanbul. Luxury is deeply personal." -Alexa Hampton

"It's experience that defines luxury, it's no longer about product." -Peter Dunam

"Luxury is harmony. At the core of harmony is decisive editing. If you don't love an object, lose it." -Amy Lau

"Luxury is time: time to create. Time to read. Time to relax. Time to focus. Time to explore. Luxury leaders find the time." -Ralph Pucci

"Invest in what you touch everyday--sheets, towels, the fabric on your favorite chair. These tactile things bring quiet comfort to your everyday." -Thomas Pheasant

"I subscribe to the 'less is more' credo. Buy fewer high quality pieces as opposed to a lot of junk." -Heather Hilliard

"There is no substitute for beautiful manners and thoughtfulness, or, for that matter, sheer quality." -Tricia Guild

"Comfort and quality are the ultimate luxury to me today and always." -Alessandro Branca

I hope this post and these quotes inspire you to find your own vein of quality and inspires you to evolve your definition of what it means to live a well lived life of luxury...based on your own stylish and purposeful terms!

It's Curva-Lish...

Photo Credit: all pics are from Instagram/Luxemagazine

Monday, November 23, 2015

Top 10 Tips for a Mindfully Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving! A time for family, friends, football, and of course FOOD.  Oh, the food- Turkey with dressing, gravy, green bean casserole, creamed corn, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, pumpkin pie, more pie, more pie, more pie.  Don’t forget the pie!  Throw in a few glasses of wine and ta’ da!!! You’re all set for the biggest and most delicious calorie fest of the year.

Sigh, but what a nightmare for those of us who have worked hard all year to reach our health goals.

As a health coach, I don’t believe in deprivation, starvation, or diets.  I teach my clients how to make healthy choices each day, no matter what the occasion- birthday dinners, happy hours, holidays, business dinners, or events.  There will always be an excuse to distract you from your goals, but you are stronger than that!

So here we go, my Top 10 Healthy Tips for a healthier Thanksgiving:

Tip #1 Have a plan before you sit down to eat.  Know which items are must haves and which foods you can do without.

Tip #2 Don’t starve until dinner!  If you are not eating until later in the day, don’t starve all day.  Eat your regular breakfast and lunch.  You will be less hungry when dinner time comes and you will eat less when turkey time comes.

Tip #3 Water.  Drink a tall glass of water before you sit down to eat. Water will help you feel full faster.  Drink another glass of water before reach for seconds.

Tip #4 Are you cooking? Fill your table with options that support your goals. Get creative and try healthier versions of your family’s favorite foods. Try new recipes that let you indulge in fancy salads and veggies.  I have included one of my favorites below!

Tip #5 Are you going to someone else’s home?  Cook a side or two to share that will support your goals.  That way you have plenty to eat without sabotaging all your hard work.

Tip #6 Serve yourself.  You know what your goals are and you know what your body needs.  If you serve yourself you can control the portion that goes on your plate. Other people may not have the same goals that you do.

Tip #7 Fill your plate at least half full of salad and veggies- the rest of the plate should be white meat turkey with small portions of other sides. If your table has a lot of sides limit yourself to 2. Ok, maybe 3.  I don’t want you to feel deprived. ☺

Tip #8 Limit alcohol.  Alcohol has a lot of empty calories with no nutritional value.  Your body metabolizes alcohol before food (which requires a lot from the body), so the calories you eat from food are not broken down as well.  If you choose to have wine or a cocktail, give yourself a limit.

Tip #9 Get up from the table once you are done eating. Relocate yourself instead of sitting in front of the food. Too tempting to nibble!  Throw the football around in the yard with the kids or take the dog for a quick walk!

Tip #10 Focus on getting some Soul Food.  You want to feel full?  Fill your heart and soul with love, kindness, and gratitude. Hug the children a little longer, tell someone how special they are to you, do something kind for yourself, love everyone around you in small and big ways.

My Favorite Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe: Roasted Winter Veggies
Sweet Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Butternut Squash
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Grapeseed Oil
Fresh Sage, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary
Herbs de Provence (dried seasoning with Lavendar)
Salt & Pepper

Start by cutting all the veggies about the same size.  Place cut veggies in a mixing bowl. Drizzle with just enough EVOO to cover the veggies and just a tiny drizzle of safflower oil, it has a slightly nutty flavor.  Roughly cut fresh Sage, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary and put on veggies. Season the veggies with Herbs de Provence, Salt & Pepper.  Mix all the ingredients until veggies are evenly coated.  Bake on a cookie sheet and roast in oven for 25 mins on 375 degrees.  You will want to turn the veggies about half way through.  Enjoy the smell of fresh herbs and Lavender!
Option:  Add pomegranate seeds, walnuts or pecans, last 5 mins of roasting veggies.

Let us all be thankful this season for all we have been gifted!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Shivani, The Glow Coach

About Me:  I’m a Holistic Health Coach and personal wellness advocate who works with women as they begin a journey of transformation. I don’t believe in deprivation, starvation, or diets. I work with clients to help them explore health and lifestyle changes that can help them reach their goals.  By forming a healing partnership with my clients I am able to support them as they discover how to transform their bodies from the inside out.  I’m lover of laughter and life!  Energize! Sweat! Glow!

Instagram:  @glowcoachdallas
Facebook:  Glow Coach Dallas
Interested in a free 45 minute consultation?  Email  me at
Website: (Debuting Soon!)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Just Own It!

Stop second guessing yourself and just own it!

Own the fact you messed up, move forward.

Own the fact that you deserve it, stop feeling guilty.

Own the fact you made the decision, go all in.

Own the fact you don't know all the details, ask and get help if you need it.

Own it that it may be better than you think, look forward.

Own it that you perceived the situation wrong, so what. Perceive it correctly now.

Own it that you went further and are more successful than the peers you started out with, you can't help everyone want it...immerse yourself in the fruits of your hard work!

Own it that you must make the BEST decision, it may be a mistake but you must decide.

Own it that you are fearful, fix your crown and walk like a queen/king.

Own it that you need a new network, network=networth.

Own it that you keep letting other people make you feel inferior, get over your envious attitude and own it!

Own it that aging has made your body different, put in your best outfit and sashay down the sidewalk like its a catwalk!

Own it that you have a dysfunction with money, get support, set a budget, stop shopping to try to impress people and start saving (today)!

Own it that you lost your parents and still feel their loss, live the rest of your life like you know they would want you to! It gives them honor!

Own it that he left you without any forewarning, you are amazing and there's another one that has been looking for you his whole life!

Own it that you can't do it all, be OK with a less than spotless house, get/hire help and do what you can do!

Own it that you have constant feelings of not being good enough, write out your affirmations, say them daily and finally get-over-it!

Own it that you feel different, do something everyday that showcases that difference!

Whatever you do, stop second guessing yourself and just (finally) own it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chicness: The New Essential Bag

I've written about how my prediction of the future of Style will be predicated on Essentialism.

Since then, I have continued to see streamlined, intentional fashion. Love it!

Here's a really cute Essentialism-type metallic pouch clutch featured by Target Style

Get the pouch clutch (and free shipping) by clicking here and input  490240618620 in search to shop directly for pouch!

Bonus, as of this blog post, Target has a buy 1, get one 50% off on shoes and accessories! This pouch clutch is included!

And don't forget, there are longer wear pouch options available from India Hicks, called the Flat Stanley! It's a higher price-point but will go the distance! The Flat Stanley is wipe-able and durable.

Flat Stanley in Bridesmaid Ivory

Flat Stanley in Heritage Print

Monday, November 16, 2015

Addicted to Busy? Prevent Burnout (Free Teleclass)

I am a huge supporter of the Texas Conference for Women because of all the amazing work they do year-round! (I was apart of the media coverage in 2014)

One of the great and informative events they will be hosting online tomorrow is "Addicted to Busy: Your Blueprint for Burnout Prevention".

Summary: Are you addicted to busy? Burnout is one of the fast growing professional obstacles people face, and it’s hitting high-achieving women hard. In this informative 30-minute session, Paula Davis-Laack, a stress and resiliency expert, will explore what burnout is, what causes it, and the warning signs you need to look out for. Participants will come away with a “Burnout Prevention Blueprint” and specific strategies that will help them build their resilience to stress, so they can thrive both personally and professionally.

Teleclass Leader: Paula Davis-Laack

So before you are neck deep in what can be holiday craziness, attend this free Teleclass and get your blueprint to prevent burnout!

Register HERE

Cultivating Hope & A Vision for Your Future

As I headed into a busy weekend of doing a private Vision Board Party, I saw news on the Paris attacks. I watched as the news unfolded of the horrific events and the human life that was ended.

The awful news made me that much more committed to doing what I do best: empowering people from all walks of life to not only believe they can be great but to also give them the tools and strategies to make that happen!

One of the tools I use is the "Self Confidence Personal Assessment" offered free on my Resources page.

So before the group even starts to create their vision boards, I equip them with tips on envisioning their future and use the self confidence tool that gives them specific results. I also demonstrate to them how to effectively use the results to drive towards their goals! (You can schedule a one-on-one 45-minute session at the Resources page)

As with prior groups, there were discussions on how to go through a transformation, recovering from divorce and creating new goals, how to take back your health, creating goals for a new business idea, letting go of the past and creating a vision for a new future and more!

It never fails that there are aha's, tears, high fives, support, clarity and so much more...that's the power of having self-awareness about your level of confidence!

One of my Why-s in caring so much about people maximizing their potential by getting equipped to reach their goals is that it cultivates an un-shakeable hope when people operate in their gifting... I have seen miracles happen in the most smallest deeds (such as the Parisian cab drivers who drove people home for free in the aftermath of the terrorist attack). Your vision for your future doesn't have to be on a large's about what you do each day to be a light!

Don't just wish or get motivated to achieve your dreams...also get equipped! Hire a Coach, take applicable assessments, get support, serve others with your gifting...the world needs you!

Saturday's Vision Board Group

Vision Board Table: We Mean Business

Friday, November 13, 2015

#FridayInspiration: Mrs Rodial & Thinking Outside the Box

I have a fondness for UK Beauty brand Rodial because after I was rejected by countless potential partners in the beginning, the folks at Rodial said yes to me being able to directly advertise (no middle-man) on my site.

Seeking out Partnerships for Curva-Lish is deeper than just advertising... I purposefully search out woman owned firms, companies and organizations that have owners who are inspiring as well as walking out their authentic journey.

Maria Hatzistefanis is one of these types of women...

In 1999 Maria Hatzistefanis invested $20,000 of her life savings to create a high performance skincare line which would offer targeted solutions to specific skin concerns.

Now, 16 years after launching Rodial out of the spare room of her home, the London-based Beauty entrepreneur is still breaking boundaries with her revolutionary skincare group.

Maria and her husband still own 100% of the company, which remains private.

"Don't think outside the box, think like there is no box." - Maria Hatzistefanis

Here are some other things I love about Rodial that I believe sets them apart...her site and YouTube channel is filled with information that teaches you HOW to use the products to achieve the skin you want and the makeup look you desire!

Rodial's success is indicative that this is what women want!

Here are a few of my favorites:

Mrs Rodial teaching a group on "How to Be An Overnight Success"

Mrs Rodial teaching a group "How to Build a Successful Business"

Mrs Rodial offering "Tips & Advice for Inspiring Entrepreneurs"

And my favorite tutorial from her site (she had dozens!), is the one to get Amal Clooney's (George Clooney's elegant wife and humanitarian) gorgeous look:

Lastly, start practicing now for your perfect Holiday smokey eye look...the best I've seen!

So join me in supporting this inspiring woman owned company's goal to equip women to find their own level of beauty!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Recap: Glamour Women of the Year Awards

As a Conde Nast Style Society member, I purposefully wanted to connect Curva-Lish to a brand that is as diverse as it is inspiring in being a pioneer through its network of brands.

Conde Nast owns Glamour and one of the highlights of the year is their Glamour Women of the Year Awards.

And, anything that celebrates women's achievements will be featured on this blog! Always.

This year's award recipients are just as inspiring and empowering as year's past with one exception: the awardees are getting better and better in representing the diverse ways in which women are breaking down barriers and overcoming obstacles.

Here's a recap of the highlights:

The Women Who Survived the Charleston Murders

The women of Charleston who survived the hate-motivated mass murder at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church earlier this year touched the hearts of every audience member with their message of forgiveness—"Forgiveness is power."

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon is a Woman of the Year because… "She's making movies, telling stories, giving women opportunities—all because she wants her daughter to have an example of what it's like to be a responsible human."
comedian and 2011 Woman of the Year Chelsea Handl

Elizabeth Holmes

At 20, Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford University to devote every waking moment to her fledgling business. Its goal? Both to revolutionize ordinary blood tests, and to change the control average citizens have over their health. Today, Holmes, 31, is the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world.

Principal Ballerina Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland is a Woman of the Year because… "She's blazed her own 
path—and proven that you don't have to bend to society's expectations because you look a certain way." 
actress Kerry Washington, 2013 Woman of the Yea

Inspiration To Be YOU!

I saw this on Instagram and wanted to author was noted.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

#GetTheLook: Million Dollar Listing Inspiration

One of the stars from Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles posted the following photo on Instagram from a gorgeous home in L.A.

I liked it so much I did a little research on how I could replicate the look without having a million dollar budget... And FYI, I looked for inspiration for the look as a dining table dinner party centerpiece versus a display look:

Go to Etsy and input the following into the "Search" box to go directly to the item...

Input "187815481" at Etsy

Input "225127333" at Etsy

Input "24991362" at Etsy

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Never Give Up: A Story About Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep - this is her on her way home from an audition for King Kong where she was told she was too "ugly" for the part. This was a pivotal moment for the young actress. This one rogue opinion could derail her dreams of becoming an actress or force her to pull herself up by the boot straps and believe in herself. 
She took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry you think I'm too ugly for your film but you're just one opinion in a sea of thousands and I'm off to find a kinder tide." 
18 Academy Awards later 
Never give up on your dreams...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Woman Should...A Poem

Enough money within her control to move out...
And rent a place of her own
even if she never wants to
or needs to...
Something perfect to wear if the employer
or date of her dreams wants to See Her in an hour...

A youth she's content to leave behind....
A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her Old Age....

A set of screwdrivers,
a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
One friend who always makes her laugh...
And one Who lets her cry...

A good piece of furniture not previously owned
by anyone else in her Family...
Eight matching plates,
wine glasses with stems,
And a recipe for a meal that will make
her guests feel Honored...
A feeling of control over her destiny...

How to fall in love without losing herself..
When to try harder...

That she can't change the length of her calves,
The width of her hips,
or the nature of her parents..
That her childhood may not have been perfect...
But it's over...

What she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
How to live alone...
Even if she doesn't like it...

Whom she can trust,
Whom she can't,
And why she shouldn't take it personally...

Where to go...
Be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
Or a charming inn in the woods...
When her soul needs soothing...

What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
A month...
And a year...

Written By: Maya Angelou/Pamela Redmond

Friday, November 6, 2015

Oprah's Favorite Things Now Available on Amazon!

For the first time in its history, Oprah's Favorite Things is available to the masses by a click of a button on Amazon!

The overall page of her Favorite Things can be found here.

Here are some of my favorites from Oprah's Favorites List:
*Oprah's words in italics

"Who on your list couldn’t use some quiet time for reflection and self-discovery? On these brand-new audio programs in the 21-Day Meditation Transcendence Trio, Deepak Chopra and I are with you every step of the way."

"My favorite fitness tracker! It looks great, automatically monitors everything from sleep patterns to heart rate to workouts, and gives you personalized advice based on your exercise and diet goals. It also has a new feature called Duels that lets you challenge friends (talking to you, Gayle King...)."

"My eyebrow guru, Anastasia, launched a collection of lip glosses this year, and I love how bold and rich they are. Did I mention they stay on forever? I personally curated this set’s colors, all perfect basics that go from day to night."

"This is amazing: Get the healthful benefits of ginger in the form of a luscious honey (to stir into tea) or a zingy organic syrup (the cocktail possibilities are endless), both made in Georgia."

"Tennessee artist Vicki Sawyer has the notion that since birds can build nests, they might be able to make hats! (Last time I checked, sheep couldn’t do either, but who am I to assume?) These dishwasher- and microwave-safe bone china plates will add a touch of whimsy to your appetizers and desserts."

"Now this is a fantastic gift: made in the U.S.A., a vintage-inspired mason jar containing a self-watering hydroponic system that grows herbs. I love the idea of giving a set—my faves are basil, parsley, and mint."

"Anyone who knows me knows I love my truffles, and these earthy delights are the perfect finish to just about any savory dish: Spoon the honey over cheese, sprinkle the salt over popcorn, add the oil to risotto, and spread the mayonnaise on sandwiches. Heaven."

***I have a direct woman owned business partnership with Amazon and so by you clicking on the link above, I will earn a small commission on all purchases made. Thanks for your support of my woman owned business!